Club Penguin Ultimate Jam Daily Music Challenge - Day 4

Hey Penguins!

Oh yes...  Club Penguin Ultimate Jam Daily Music Challenge - Day 4!!! Let's go start! This is gonna be the last Daily Challenge! But for members only!

Grab your Golden Microphone then lets rock!

Yes the same places. Always... Cause they are the only places with the Dance Squares... Wear your Golden Microphone and Dance on the golden squares.



Mine Shack...

We are done! Now Claim Your Prize! Super Star Pin!!!!!!!

And you automatically get the Hip Hop Hoodie!

And now you have become.. a Super Star!!! Rock N' Roll! WOO HOO!

 We have completed all the prizes! Yay!!!

Bye Penguins!!!

1 comment:

  1. How did you do the day 4 challenge. I can't do it yet. Its only day three :s
