Disney Channel: Game On - Marvel Super Hero Takeover Starting June 14! [Official Club Penguin]

Hey Penguins! Club Penguin has uploaded a new video! Here we have below some sneak peeks of the Marvel Super Hero Takeover! And also the new costumes! I see there are many free items for all so get ready! Here is the video below:


Here are sneak peeks:

Here we have the Plaza or the.. Downtown Area!

And here we have the bank!

Super Heroes Report to the Super Hero Command Room!

Villains! Are you ready to destroy the city?!?! Muhahahaha! Report to your EVIl Super Villain Command Room!

Need some outfits of your own favorite super heroes? Waddle to the gift shop and buy some!

This party is gonna be a bash! What do you think? Let me know in some comments, to let me know!


  1. Hey Ronnp09! AWESOME GRAPHICS! I would like to know how you do it! It looks AMAZING! Anyways, have a flipper-ific day, and have a great time in Club Penguin!


    1. Hi Ocean6100! Thank you for following my blog! And thank you. My Graphics are made in a editing software called "Paint.NET" it is being downloaded sometimes there is no virus for other users but virus on some users. And always remember: Practice, Makes Perfect! Try downloading Paint.NET now!

  2. Hiya! Thanks so much for responding! I have a problem. Whenever I get to the screen where I can download Paint.net, there is no button for it! There are all these buttons for things like dotPDN, and PDF reader(s), and all that kind of stuff. Awesome blog!

  3. Hi Ronnp09! Not to be rude but are you almost done with the animated banner?

    Also, May I have a header (NOT for CP Exclusives)
    ust like your "Ronnp09 Awards" header but it should say "Club Penguin Fast". Thanks friend! :)


    1. Hi Woddylan! I think I forgot about the animated banner but I think I can't do more stuff cause i'm doing projects on school! Sorry :(
